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Striking the balance between Financial Responsibilities and Financial Dreams

Striking the balance between Financial Responsibilities and Financial Dreams


We all have dreams and we all want to lead a financially worry-free life. A life where we can have everything we want. However, when the reality strikes we are reminded of our responsibilities – everyday bills, paying off our loans, insurance, taking care of the family. And the hard truth is that, in the financial world, we need to be financially responsible before we realise our dreams.

What is the difference between financial dream and financial responsibilities?
The difference between the two is like the difference between want and needs. Financial dreams are basically what we all aspire to have, it is a future event like buying a beach house, luxury sports car, holiday in the Bahamas. While financial responsibilities are our important regular financial commitments (which cannot be postponed or ignored) and include unseen responsibilities that may arise suddenly like a medical emergency or a future event like retirement. FINANCIAL DREAM vs FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

How we prepare for and meet our financial responsibilities affects how we would realise our financial dreams. Unless we meet the basics (responsibilities) it is very difficult to achieve financial dreams. Also one must not ignore their financial responsibilities in the pursuit of achieving their dream, there has to be a fine balance between the two.

This is where financial planning comes into picture. It helps an individual in evaluating their current financial situation and provides a proper plan to ensure that not only they are able to meet their financial responsibilities, but they are also in a position to achieve their dreams. Laying out a financial plan is not the end but beginning to your long term financial success. At every stage on life, your financial planner reviews your plan and makes sure it is aligned to your current situation and future financial needs.

While you may think you can manage it all well, the right planner can make a huge difference to your financial well-being. Having sufficient, supportive, and competent professional help enables peace of mind, and ensures you strike the right balance between achieving your financial dreams and meeting your financial responsibilities.

To know more about Arihant’s financial planning service or to speak to our Certified Financial Planner: SMS <Arihant> to 56677 or email

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